© 2025 - Red Shoe Revival

The Call

How It Started





Before the stars and stripes of our national flag, we, on this 11th day of November, pay tribute and respect to the men and women who have fought for our Liberty, from the end of WW 2 until now: We have PEACE within our borders.

As a Nation, we have engaged in 12 major wars. Today on Veterans Day, we gratefully acknowledge the brave and departed, but we particularly honor the dedication and service of our 18 million, once in uniform, living: especially the valiant standing here among us. For those laid in our soil, missing in action and unaccounted for, we bow our heads. For those alive: Thank you!



On this crisp, white November morning, the message is about red shoes (TAKE FIRST PAIR AND SET) and the future of America.  As a man fully dedicated to God, as a Pastor and Prophet, I have earnestly prayed about what I am about to say to you – concerning the Nation and its future.  Is there going to be continuous war and more, and more and more Veterans coming home wounded, traumatized, going homeless? We wish, “NO!” But another question can be asked:

Will there be war – not foreign, but on our mountains, in our heartlands, over our cities, in our valleys and upon our waterways?



God has ALWAYS watched over our nation.  The hand of a sovereign God guided our beginnings with a just and courageous man, General George Washington. That same hand rose up Abraham Lincoln during the wretched conflict of brother against brother, and destined Ronald Reagan to end the Cold War.  One time in the history of our continental United States, God lifted his hand: September 11. On that day God said, “Wake up, endeared country. Wake up.” We cannot AFFORD TO lose the protection of God again. I’LL TRY AND MAKE IT FAST….HERE WE GO:



It began this past Thursday morning. I was praying and asking the Lord if I should speak today: I was so uncertain. Instantly, the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost. took me back to 1967. I was 22 years old, Kanaka Maoli – “a native Hawaiian” – studying to be a priest in Honolulu, on the island of O’ahu.  At night, overlooking the vast lighted beauty of my home city, I saw a strange thing. Far away, many miles away, a dirty, white, billowing, yellowish mushroom cloud was forming in the darkness; it was over Pearl Harbor.  It was as clear as I am looking at you. I didn’t know at the time what it meant, but I know now: I was having a supernatural experience: WAR. War is coming to America, but we can stop it.



In 1945, two atomic bombs were dropped, ushering in the nuclear age of warfare and horrible, horrible mass destruction. Instantly 225,000 – killed and severely wounded. If those two bombs devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki with such force back in 1945, what has happened with the technology our enemies have gained since then?  Built by Russia in 1961, 58 years ago, the “King of Bombs,” also known as Tsar Bomba, is the largest man-made nuclear device ever detonated. With the unimaginable force of 50 million tons of TNT, the Tsar Bomba was more than – grasp this – more than 1,500 times that of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs combined, and 10 times more powerful than all the munitions expended during World War Two. Plume: 211,200 feet high. 40 Miles Up! (POINT)

Russia now claims to have another bomb, Satan 2.  It’s a stealth nuclear weapon able to carry 15 warheads, with a range of 6,200 miles, far enough to reach our cities, and capable of destroying an area the size of Texas.  It doesn’t end there! Can you imagine a nuclear torpedo creating a 300-foot tall tsunami, coming at our East coast? They have that, too. Is it bluster or fact: Don’t want to find out! We want to celebrate today, they want to annihilate TODAY.



Communist China, the other developer of annihilation, has recently announced that it has a missile that can travel 25 times the speed of sound, bypass our Ballistic Missile Defense System, and reach our coast in 30 minutes.  Can I take you back to – of all places – back to Hawaii, January last year? An alert was sent out: ”BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL” For 38 terrifying minutes, the sirens sounded and panicked parents scrambled to protect their children, scared citizens hid in ditches and many – shaking – are dialing their loved ones to say good-bye. Then came the message “False Alarm.” We don’t want to hear those sirens. We don’t want to see that alert. WE, in this room, can do something about this: We can pray God does not lift his protective hand, and the necessary other: that is why the Red Shoes. (PLACES SECOND PAIR UP) Let me continue.



Last year, Russia and China conducted the largest war games since the Cold War. Over 300,000 participating.  What does that tell us? It tells us that these two Nations – JOINED BY A COMMON IDEOLOGHY – are marching to the drum of war. Under Xi Jinping and Putin, they are intending to dominate their part of the world and more. That means war against America, and our democratic way of life.  DON’T BELIEVE ME?

World War III is coming to our land, but we can stop it.  These red shoes and they who step into them are the hope of this Nation. 



We are a Nation whose Constitution is written into the very nature of mankind, that he was meant to be good, honorable, just, hardworking, and true.  What is our legacy as a nation: pride and dishonor or character and prayer? President Ronald Reagan chose character and prayer (GET THE BOOK):

I am reading from Praying with the Presidents, Our Nation’s Legacy of Prayer. These are the words of President Reagan:



“I’ve always believed that we were, each of us, put here for a reason, that there is a plan, somehow a divine plan for all of us. I know now that whatever days are left to me belong to Him. I also believe this blessed land was set apart in a very special way, a country created by men and women who came here not in search of gold, but in search of God. They would be free people, living under the law with faith in their Maker and their future. Sometimes, it seems we’ve strayed from that noble beginning, from our conviction that standards of right and wrong do exist and must be lived up to. God, the source of our knowledge, has been expelled from the classroom. We…turn away from Him too often in our day-to-day living. I wonder if He isn’t waiting for us to wake up…”



Here is the hope of the red shoes – that we wake up! I’m half way there. Bear with me, please:


With one hand raised to our nation and one hand on the authority of the mighty Word of God – I stand before you declaring this: We can stop the almost inevitable upon our Nation. If God lifts His protective hand, we are done. 



We are a nation, conceived in liberty and blessed of God, but we have gone astray. I am calling for us, as a Nation, to come before the One from whom we receive our sacred rights, and return to Him – quickly!  Unless we do so, two super powers will overtake us and we will have 11 years of Hell. And neither you nor I want to see that.

We can stop it – How? By Revival: The Red Shoe Revival. Starting here, starting today, starting in this room. It’s given to US! US!

Revival means repentance.



Our leaders, as much as I respect them, the President & Vice President – professed Christians – THEY are not doing their jobs. Our loss of greatness is not in what we do, it is in what we fail to do. They have not called us to repentance. They more than anyone else know the deep divisions in our country; the INCESSANT chase after money and pleasure; the pervasive addiction to gambling, drinking, lawlessness, and adultery; to foul language, pornography, murder, and abortion; OUR NATIONAL DEGRADATION: sworn allegiance to false gods, demons, Witchcraft! Why wouldn’t God lift His hand? 

We don’t need added generations of new Veterans from a big, monstrous war; we need a bended knee, humbleness and an acknowledging that we as a Nation have gone too far; the scales in his hands are dipping. And all we’ve done – leading pastors – is mouth prayer. NOT ENOUGH! In order to turn God to us, we must pray and fast: deny ourselves.



Here’s the scenario: if the Tsar Bomba was smuggled in – assembled part by part- and detonated on downtown Chicago tonight, 3 million people die instantly, another 2 million will be severely burned and injured. (IN 5 SECONDS – 5 MILLION) Immediate effects of that single, monstrous blast will be felt as far as Waukegan to the north, Aurora to the west, Beecher to the south, and to the east – Chesterton, IN. Hell in the United States has begun.

We can’t let this happen.  Without God, this dome of protection that has been on our land so long WILL CEASE. TODAY – WE HEAR, A BUGLE, A TRUMPET: A CALL!



The RED shoes! The scriptures say fast and pray. Many are praying, but nothing is being said about STOPPING THESE EVILS. The prayers and advice by pastoral advisors to our LEADERS is as stale incense in hot air. The reason is there is no self-denial. We have got to get back to self-denial. That’s the red shoes.


The red shoes is a walk, a reminder, and a new direction: WHAT? SIMPLE: “I don’t want devastating war on our land, and I am doing something about it.


It’s THESE three:

1) I will wear red shoes to remind me to . . . . or

2) I will take a pair of red shoes, paint them (LIKE THIS ONE) tie them around a branch to remind me or anyone else that “WE’RE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT STOPPING WAR. . . . and

3) I will dedicate myself to a new direction. WHAT? Stopping of something that overtakes me, I will be more noble, more courageous, more demanding of myself – for my Nation: too much gossip – I’m stopping; too much news, newspaper, NFL, junk TV – shutting it down; going out drinking, that’s enough; watching filth, no more. Anger – biting my lip. I’m adding to my self-denial prayer; kindness, goodness, love. Smoking? Go to five a day, then stop: FOR THE COUNTRY!

Get a pair of red shoes and wear them to remind yourself: “I am doing something about the inevitable, the possible, the horror of…  I don’t want God’s protection lifted.”


Again, and last plea: If we give up important things for Him, HE WILL HEAR US. If you like Facebook, give it up for three days and during that time go quietly into your room and pray for our country.  If you like gambling, pictures of …. Ujjjhu…, spitting at, cursing, hateful words, riding swine in the gutter, deny yourself, give it up, QUIT: FOR THE COUNTRY. To stop the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ, who keep us, FROM DOING THIS: CRY OUR TO THEM: “Don’t allow WAR!



They will let WAR COME, where once we were protected. For a short time 9-11 put our Nation on its knees, but then we forgot and went back to the chase of money and material junk – worthless, pitiful stuff: illicit and damnable pleasure.

We stand on Him, his words, that are OUTSIDE, INSTILLED AND SANCTIFIED WORDS: Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” the Alpha and Omega . One Nation Under God Indivisible.” WE WANT TO KEEP IT STRONG, RETURN! They have kept us: God has kept us! We are a Christian nation, but we are falling!



Our Veterans know war.  They know horror. The bombs being built by Russia and China today are being pointed at us – a horror not known to man, but frightfully measureable. TYPE IN “LARGEST BOMB” DE-VAS-TATING >

Russia and China do not know about repentance, the Christian does. WE DO. We can beat them kneeling! Today. God charged me to speak, recalling to me what that awful explosion seen so long ago over Pearl Harbor WAS ALL ABOUT – and It’s about today. A Call to REPENT _ TO SAVE OUR NATION! WE CAN KEEP THE PROTECTION OF GOD ON OUR NATION. HERE. RED SHOE REVIVAL. US. IF WE DO NOT, ………